Problems with Preferred Pronouns by Alan Schlemon
Conversion Therapy discussion with Alistair Begg
Psychology’s Culpability in the Transgender Movement by Jesse Johnson
Is De-Gendering a Sin? by John Piper
What is Transgenderism? by Rosaria Butterfield
Practical Advice for Christian Parents of a Child Identifying as Transgender by Denny Burke
What Should Christians Think About Same-Sex Marriage? by Kevin DeYoung
A Peculiar Disapproval of Gay Pride by John Piper
Gender: A Conversation Guide For Parents and Pastors by Brian Seagraves - A book review
Counseling Gender-Questioning Teens by Anna Mondal
Four Promises for People with Same-Sex Attraction by Christopher Asmus
“Transgender Confusion and Transformational Christianity” - Heath Lambert (video)
A Pastoral Response to Transgenderism by Jim Hamilton (podcast)
What Should I Do When My Young Son Wants to Be a Girl? by Heath Lambert (podcast and transcript)
Is Sexual Identity My Choice? by John Piper (podcast and transcript)
How Do I Fight Same Sex Desires? by John Piper (podcast and transcript)
What Causes Gender Dysphoria by Rob Smith (podcast and transcript)
What Christianity Offers Transgender Persons by Sam Allberry (video)
May SSA Christians Have a Non-Sexual Romantic Relationship? by Sam Allberry
How Writing On Transgenderism Changed Me by Sam Allberry interviewing Andrew Walker
Sex, Gender and the Image of God by Christopher Yuan
What is the Opposite of Homosexuality? by Christopher Yuan
Is Anyone Born Gay? by Christopher Yuan
No Private Real Estate: Our Desires and Attractions Belong to Jesus by Ellen Dykas
The Ministry of Helplessness on Behalf of Parents of LGTBQ+ Identifying Kids by Jim Weidenaar