Contentment: Trusting God’s Providence

Contentment is an inner position of the heart that rests in God’s providence. The opposite of contentment is a restless heart. A heart that is continually looking for more or different circumstances is discontent. 1 Peter 3 describes inner beauty as a gentle and quiet spirit. This is contentment. A gentle and quiet spirit is a heart attitude that has confidence in God’s goodness, wisdom, and control regardless of circumstances. Contentment is rooted in a humility that God knows all things and exercises His perfect will for His glory and the good of making His children more like His Son.

Let’s define God’s sovereignty and providence. John Piper says, 

“God’s sovereignty is his right and power to do all that he decides to do. Job 42:2 “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” But notice that nothing in that definition of sovereignty refers to God’s wisdom or God’s plans. It’s just right and power: you have the right and you have the power to do what you decide to do. When he decides to do a thing, he does it, and no one can stop him. That’s sovereignty. Providence, however, includes what sovereignty doesn’t. Providence is sovereignty in the service of wise purposes. Or you could say providence is wise and purposeful sovereignty.” (emphasis by author)

God uses His power and holiness to wisely bring about His purpose in everything. From atoms to birds to hair to locations of people, God is providentially working His perfect plan. Hebrews 1:3 says that God upholds the universe by the word of His power. Everything that God created is sustained by Him through His active decision at each moment to hold each atom of every creature and thing in place. God could decide at any moment to remove the word of His power and the universe and everything in it would cease to be. Matthew 10:29 says that not a single sparrow falls out of the sky apart from the Father. God is intimately involved in each bird that He has created and sustains. Luke 12:7 says that God knows and determines every hair that falls from your head. Think about all the billions of people that lose hairs all throughout the day around the world and the vast knowledge and purposefulness needed to know and care about each hair. Acts 17 tells us that God determines the times and locations of each person. There is no one you meet or run into each day that God has not providentially placed in your life. Ephesians 1:11 sums it up with the truth that God works all things according to the purpose of His will. This is God’s providence.

What do you find yourself discontent about? What is it that makes you grumble out loud or complain within your heart?

We grumble and complain when we don’t get what we want or when our circumstances don’t fit our hopes and expectations. Maybe someone doesn’t respond to us the way we wanted them to. Maybe it rains when we’d rather have sun. Maybe traffic is bad or the driver in front of us is going 15 miles below the speed limit. Maybe our boss is grumpy or we can’t seem to get caught up on our work load. Maybe a child is being defiant or a friend is ignoring your texts. Yet, from the smallest details of daily life to the gigantic events that happen once in a lifetime, God is sovereignly working His perfect plan. Proverbs 16:33 talks about God every decision is from the Lord. The context of this verse is the casting of lots, or the modern day equivalent of rolling dice. Even the roll of dice in a kids game is providentially planned by God. There is simply no such thing as luck or coincidence. God is always perfectly working His plan.

Contentment rests on this truth. Contentment is learned when we submit to God’s perfect will and trust that His wisdom, goodness, and power are controlling every single aspect of the universe down to the minute details of our lives. Contentment is resting in God’s plan for our lives, humbly admitting that our “wisdom” or our “best laid plans” are nothing compared to Almighty God’s wisdom and plan. 

In what circumstances do you need to submit to God’s wisdom, goodness and power in your life?

What scriptures would help you remember that God is providentially working His plan in your life to make you more Christlike?

Contentment is learned in difficult and easy circumstances. We must choose to renew our minds in the truths of God and pray that God would strengthen us by the power of the Holy Spirit to be content (See Blog #1 on Contentment). Commit to trust God and take Him at His word.


Contentment: Renewing Your Mind

