Psalm 19

God’s word is full of encouragement and commands to meditate on God’s word. The power of God’s word is incomparable to anything else. God’s word is “breathed out” by God Himself as the Holy Spirit wrote God’s word through the various authors of scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21). Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s word is living and active and able to discern our thoughts and intentions. Are you feeding on God’s word and allowing God’s word to inform your thoughts and intentions? Do you see God’s word as valuable and precious? Take time to think about God’s word and give thanks to God who chose to write His words and plans in a book.

Psalm 19 sings the praise of God’s word and the majesty and glory it beholds.

“The law of the Lord is perfect,

    reviving the soul;

the testimony of the Lord is sure,

    making wise the simple;

the precepts of the Lord are right,

    rejoicing the heart;

the commandment of the Lord is pure,

    enlightening the eyes;

the fear of the Lord is clean,

    enduring forever;

the rules of the Lord are true,

    and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold,

    even much fine gold;

sweeter also than honey

    and drippings of the honeycomb.

Moreover, by them is your servant warned;

    in keeping them there is great reward.”

The absolute holiness of God’s word has a life changing effect on those who read, study, and meditate on it. It is God who works the change in the heart of a believer through the Holy Spirit as His word is turned over and over in the believer’s mind. 

God’s word “revives the soul.” God's word brings the heart of the believer back to the rightful place of being focused on God and giving hope in Christ. The soul is the seat of desires and thoughts so God brings the heart of a believer in alignment with His own desires.

God’s word “makes the simple wise”. God’s word instructs the naive and the foolish to what God as Creator has declared to be the right way to live. God does not leave His children wondering and questioning what is right. He gives wisdom and guidance to those who seek for it and puts loving limits to life that lead to wise and joyful living.

God’s word “rejoices the heart”. God’s word brings joy and delight to the heart who treasures it. In God’s word hope is found in forgiveness, mercy, grace, perfect judgment, and love. When a believer sees all that God has been faithful to do and all that He promises, the human heart is made glad.

The Word of God “enlightens the eye”. God’s word is a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119). The commandments of God provide a clear way to salvation. Through the word, a sinner is able to see his own sin and the need for a Savior who completely satisfied God’s requirement for the law and as a substitute sacrifice for sinners. God’s word enlightens the hearts of believers to see the beauty of Christ and leads to worship.

God’s word “endures forever”. A believer never needs to fear that God’s word will change. God has declared for all times the way to live. Scripture does not need to be updated to accommodate change in culture or be changed to be socially acceptable. God’s word never changes and so we always know how to honor God as we study and live out His word.

The bible is “righteous altogether”. The entire, united word of God is right. It is always and completely true and correct. God’s word provides the way for sinners to be justified, or made right with God, through the gospel of Christ. The hope in the unchanging, faithful God always exists because God and His word are true.

God says we should desire His word more than “much fine gold”. God’s word is a treasure beyond any earthly value. Where gold may be considered a sign of wealth and be worthy of status or reputation on earth, God’s word has eternal value. The person who desires God’s word as his greatest treasure is wisely understanding the fleeting nature of this life on earth and is looking ahead to spending eternity with God. 

God’s word is “sweeter than the honeycomb”. God’s word makes life more pleasant than anything sweet we could eat. God’s word shows us the beauty of Himself and the joy found in knowing Him. We may crave a sweet treat that we enjoy the taste of for a few minutes, but the word of God is so much more enjoyable and much longer lasting. God’s word endures forever. The joy and peace of knowing the Lord is found in His word.

God’s word warns of a difficult life and eternal destruction for those who refuse Christ and refuse to live the way the Creator has designed life to be. Those who fail to worship God and instead worship other things are warned that the wages of sin is death. God calls all to repent and turn to Him to find life.

Those who keep God’s word will receive a “reward”. The greatest reward is knowing Christ and the relationship with God the Father bought through Christ’s sacrifice. Those who honor God by doing His will will experience eternal life with God. That is the reward to live for.




Parenting to the Glory of God #3