Video #1

Understanding the Heart Biblically

The heart is a major theme of Scripture so counseling to the heart and not just behaviors is essential to biblical counseling.

Video #2

The Dynamic Heart and Emotions

A person’s thoughts, emotions, and desires make up the biblical heart. This video will demonstrate how a person’s heart dictates life and gives real life examples of how thoughts, emotions, and desires play out daily.

Video #3

Discerning Idols of the Heart.

We are made to worship and we worship all day long. The question is not if you worship, but what you worship. Every sinful response comes from a heart of idolatry so our counselees must understand the deceitfulness of the own heart and what they are truly worshiping when they sin.

Video #4

Repenting at the Heart Level

It is not enough to repent of yelling, giving the silent treatment, or being anxious. Those are the fruit of deeper issues that reside in the heart. Our sinful desires, or idols, must be identified and repented of in order for genuine heart change to happen.

You can also read this information or use it as a written homework assignment by downloading an eight part article series here.




Biblical Articles