What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical?

Biblical Counseling is not like other counseling, even Christian counseling. Biblical counseling uses the sufficient, authoritative, inerrant Word of God and relies on the Holy Spirit to bring genuine heart change through beholding the glory of Christ.

Justification and Sanctification

Romans 8:30 shows us the unbreakable chain from being predestined to glorification for all true believers. Understanding the concepts of justification and sanctification help clarify what genuine salvation is and explains the process of growth in Christ.

The Dynamic Heart and Y-Chart

Biblical Counseling deals with the desires of the heart and the thoughts and emotions that feed into and reveal the desires. Biblical counselors must know how to address sin and suffering at the heart level in order for genuine repentance and change to happen.

Understand Emotions Biblically

Disney and Hallmark movies tell us to follow our heart. We are encouraged to follow what gives us positive emotions or makes us happy. But that is not why God gave us emotions. Emotions are an alert that reveals what our hearts desire and are designed to lead us to God’s Word for wisdom and to God in prayer to help us surrender our emotions to God’s will.

Idols of the Heart

John Calvin said our hearts are idol factories. We must understand how our hearts’ desires become idolatrous. Understanding how our circumstances, emotions, and behaviors come from our desires will help us determine when good desires have turned sinful. Learn to ask yourself questions and evaluate your responses to identify idolatry in your heart.

Biblical Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a complex topic that requires an in depth study of Scripture to understand. Forgiveness is a transaction between the sinner and the one sinned against that leads to reconciliation. Is forgiveness unconditional? What does it mean to forgive when someone is not repentant? Watch this video to learn more.

What is Biblical Repentance?

Many people seem to think that saying “I’m sorry” is sufficient for repentance. But the Bible is clear that repentance is much deeper than feeling bad about our sin. Worldly sorrow often is mistaken for genuine repentance. In this video you will learn what it means to contemplate your sin in a biblical way and confess and come to genuine reconciliation in your relationships.

What Does the Bible Say about Suffering?

Scripture shows us that suffering is an instrument God uses to refine us and transform us into the image of Christ. Romans 8:28-29 shows us that God uses all things, including times of suffering, for the good of making us more like Christ. A biblical view of suffering is necessary to trust that God is good, sovereign, and wise in bring hardships and calamities into our lives.

The Attributes of God in Counseling

The nature of God is the foundation for all of life. In order to live as God intended us to, we must orient our lives around thinking rightly about God and His attributes. His holiness, His infinitude, His immensity, His goodness, His wrath, His mercy, His love, His righteousness, His justice, and His sovereignty, just to name a few, should impact every moment of every day.

God has ordained that suffering is a part of His plan and life in this world. Our belief in God and our trust in Him is evident in how we go through suffering. Our response to suffering reveals our fears, doubts, and unbelief. Learn how to suffer well so that you can set your heart to honor the Lord even when times are difficult and painful.

Suffering Well


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