This class consists of 10 videos to help you learn to think biblically about anxiety. Anxiety is an emotion and reflects the desires of our hearts. Our thoughts are rooted in our beliefs about God and also play a role in desires and emotions. This class is designed to help you identify the root causes of your anxiety so that you experience genuine heart change which is the process of sanctification.

Watch each video. Take notes to help you pay attention to the lesson.

Then complete the assignment for each video. I encourage you to download and print out the assignments so you can work through each one taking your time to think and focus. The assignments aim to help you individually learn about your heart, what you worship, and how to grow in loving and treasuring God more.

Anxiety Class #1

The Biblical Heart

Anxiety Class #2

Circles of Responsibility/ Know-Believe-Trust

Anxiety Class #5

The Heart in Daily Life

Take your time with this homework. The struggle journal will help you identify idols in your heart, what you live your life trying to get.

Anxiety Class #6

Who or What Do You Worship?

Anxiety Class # 7

Flower Diagram

Anxiety Class # 8

The Tornado of Anxiety

After you watch the video and work through “Renewing a Thought”, put it into practice daily. Write out the truth thoughts about God that need to replace your old thoughts of unbelief. This is the new habit you need to begin forming.

Anxiety Class # 9 Matthew 6: Reasons Against Anxiety

Much of this information is taken from a John Piper Sermon.

Keep working on “Renewing a Thought”. Take time to notice what you are thinking about and make the choice, through dependence on God, to take the unbelieving thought captive and replace it with Truth.

Anxiety Class # 10

God’s Promises

A love for comfort, approval, or control is replaced when you love God more than those idols. As you study God’s character and behold Christ’s glory in Scripture, pray that God would grow a greater love for Him in your heart each day. As you meditate on God’s promises, His glory revealed in Christ, His grace and love, the Holy Spirit works in your heart to transform you.


Study Guides


People Pleasing Class