Welcome to the class on learning to fear God over man. This class was written for teens and young adults, but I’m hopeful the teaching and examples will benefit all ages.

Each video is 20-30 minutes in length. Before going on to the next video, please take the time to do the assignments for each one. Genuine heart change comes from beholding the glory of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18) and meditating on God’s word as the Holy Spirit works.

People Pleasing # 1

What is fear of man?

People Pleasing #2

Understanding the Heart

Read one section of the Gospel Assignment each day until you finish. Pray about each section and ask God to show you new truths about the Gospel and if you have questions, please find a pastor, trusted friend, or counselor to help you.

People Pleasing #3

The Danger of Idols

People Pleasing #4

Moses and Fear of Man

People Pleasing # 5

Change Begins with Repentance

Pleasing People # 6

What Does it Mean to Fear God?

When you know God well, you have reason to fear Him (or worship Him and live to please Him. Read about one attribute of God each day and focus on how knowing these truths about God can encourage you to live for Him.

Pleasing People # 7

Your Identity in Christ

As believers, the truth of what Christ has done for us on the cross and His resurrection, should change the way we live every single day. Spend a week on this assignment reminding yourself of what the gospel means to you. The assignment won’t be finished in a week, so keep going on it as you keep moving forward with this class. Never forget what the gospel truly means.

Pleasing People # 8

Truly Loving Others

People Pleasing # 9

The Process of Change

Before working on the blank repentance plan, take a look at the sample. Figure out the specific ways that you struggle with fear of man so you can plan to put off those and put on Christlikeness.

Pleasing People # 10

Choose Whom You Will Fear


Anxiety Class


Warning: Books that Mislead